
Wrocław is a city located in south-western Poland. With a long history and historic architecture. In Wrocław, one can find lots of gardens, for example, the Japanese garden, cultural activity clubs, pubs, restaurants and a medieval market square. There are over 700,000 permanent residents in Wrocław, however, if you count travellers, commuters and students nearly 1 million people stay in the city every day.

Hosting Organization

We are a young and developing organization established in 2019. From 5 years we have been coordinating projects with a great support of ESC volunteers such as summer camps and language courses for children and youngsters. Since 2020 we have been hosting foreign students under Erasmus+ projects in our beautiful city – Wrocław.


Our mentoring process bases on students needs. We are working with you in process:

  1. We analyse students’ CVs and curriculums.
  2. We organize online meeting to get to know students’ language skills and experience.
  3. We consult with students about their expectations in order to satisfy them.
  4. We provide support and health care.
  5. Students go through our constant evaluation process.

Best Sectors

We are working with hundreds of local companies that host in different sectors from Agriculture to Zoo technician. Below you can find list of our excellences.


All accommodation correspond agreed quality standards with shared/private bathroom and fully equipped kitchen.
