
Milan is located in the north of Italy and it is the capital of the Lombardy Region. Milan is a city full of history and has a beautiful ancient center dotted with monuments, where the most famous is certainly the Duomo cathedral, made entirely of marble, with impressive statues, arches and columns. Art, history, food and design are the top reasons that drive millions of visitors from all over the world every day.

Hosting Organization

We have been active in the promotion and management of international projects. The partnerships developed with various entities, EU and non-EU, have generated a solid network of relationships useful to the constant and fruitful exchange of ideas and services. One of our main activities are the European mobilities (incoming/outgoing) that involve students and staff from the VET and School sector.
We provide support in different ways (from logistic to transport, to cultural visits, etc) and we help you organise your mobility in Italy as smoothly as possibile.


The mentoring includes:

  • welcome meeting upon arrival
  • monitoring meetings during the stay
  • final meeting before departure
  • weekly reports/feedback to the sending organisation in order to keep track of the evolution
  • costant communication via WhatsApp and phone
  • emergency contact 24/7

Best Sectors

We are working with hundreds of local companies that host in different sectors from Agriculture to Zoo technician. Below you can find list of our excellences.


All accommodation correspond agreed quality standards with shared/private bathroom and fully equipped kitchen.
