đź“ŤBandon – Clonakilty | Ireland

Bandon is a town in County Cork, is located 27 km southwest of Cork City. The nearest airport is Cork airport. Bandon lies on the River Bandon between two hills. The name in Irish means ‘Bridge of the Bandon‘, a reference to the origin of the town as a crossing point on the river. The town of Bandon was founded in 1604 and was initially populated by English and Scottish settlers: parts of the original walls can still be found in the town. Nearby Bandon are the ruins of a 15th century castle.
Bandon has seen tremendous development in recent years, almost doubling its population, but it still manages to maintain a strong community spirit. This spirit is shown through the Bandon Music Festival, held on the first weekend in June and attracting some of Ireland’s most talented musicians, and the splendid Christmas light show. Kilbrogan Church (1610), which contains the stocks of the town, is the first Protestant church built in Ireland.

Clonakilty (meaning ‘stone (castle) of the woods’), is a town in County Cork. Clonakilty was founded on 5 May 1613 and is located at the head of the tidal Clonakilty Bay. In 2007, Clonakilty was awarded the status of European Destination of Excellence by the European Commission. The town also hosts several festivals every year, including the Clonakilty International Guitar Festival in mid-September, the Motion Festival and the Waterfront Festival in August. Finally, Clonakilty is known for its black pudding. The original secret spice recipe has been handed down through the generations since 1880, originated in Edward Twomey’s butcher shop on Pearse Street. To this day, the recipe is still known only to the Twomey family, who continue to produce the black pudding at the Clonakilty Food Company.

Hosting Organization

Our organisation is established as the premier hosting training organisation in Ireland. Since 2000, we have managed professional Internship training projects for a wide range of young people coming from all Europe, actively participating in the educational path of youth. We are specialized as a hosting organization for students/professionals who need to develop their linguistic – professional – emotional & cultural competences by work experience in Ireland. Our preferred project length varies from few weeks to few months (induction courses at the beginning + work-placement). Our mission is to promote, to develop, to optimize the professional profile of individuals by work-orientation guidance, by re-training & upskilling capabilities, by work-experience, by their insertion in an international contest & culture, by other initiatives; “Building” a personal and professional profile suitable for European or international work market is our first goal. It’s the “core business” of our work in which our energy and policy are focused: on one hand we want to provide “learning opportunities” experiences that enrich the professional profile, soft skills, personal life, understanding of other cultures in order to prepared the individual as capable, aware & responsible persons in a globalized world; on the other hand – as a result – we need satisfied people by a training experience abroad.


Our organisation was founded thanks to the desire of some professionals who had significant experience within the human resource training environment (Private & European Learning – Training programs as Leonardo da Vinci Program, Erasmus Mobility, ESF, others).
We manage professional Internship training projects for a wide range of young people coming from all Europe, actively participating in the educational path of youth. We examine trends in education and business to forge new partnerships and programs, which realize the full potential of learners.
The main objective is to promote and to carry out these programs, which help young people to understand and use innovations in the labour market, turning them into skills, which will improve their professional qualities.
We are specialized as a hosting organization for students/professionals who need to develop their linguistic – professional – emotional and cultural competences by work & life experience in Ireland. We receive about 800 persons per year in Mobility projects promoted by Schools, Training organisations, City and County Halls, Universities etc. from all Europe. Such programs are funded by EU and/or public / private funds.

Best Sectors

We are working with hundreds of local companies that host in different sectors from Agriculture to Zoo technician. Below you can find list of our excellences.


All accommodation correspond agreed quality standards with shared/private bathroom and fully equipped kitchen.
